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Dual in the Desert |
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I wrote an article about the Calalus artifacts called Calalus: Jews in Arizona in 775 A.D., that article is still on the website. This article inquires, What caused those Jews to come here? And what happened to those Jews? The artifacts were discovered near Tucson, Arizona in the years 1924, 25. The artifacts are mostly written in Latin with a few Hebrew words, one artifact, Artifact 20, obverse, has Roman numerals I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X which stands for the ten commandments. Another artifact, a ceremonial cross with a “Nehushtan” (II Kings 18:4) or serpent wrapped around it, on the reverse is a flat football shaped surface that bore the Latin inscription which translates: “We are borne on the sea from Rome to Calalus, an unknown land. They came in Anno Domini 775 and Theodore ruled the people.” 775 is the earliest date on the artifacts. Cyclone Covey a real history buff wrote an excellent book on the artifacts called Calalus: A Roman Jewish colony in America from the time of Charlemagne through Alfred the Great, in it he writes: “In the year 774, the six-four, flaxen-haired, long-nosed, to-high-voiced, miniskirted, 32-year-old Frank (Frenchman), Charlemagne, took a vacation from his siege of the Lombard king at Pavia, below Milan, to celebrate Easter at St. Peter’s in the shrunken city of Rome—to the dismay of Pope Hadrian 1, who made the best of the unannounced visit. The two concluded a pact, which may temporarily have deluded Hadrian into believing he still controlled Rome, let alone Ravenna. But both he and the considerable faction of Jews under his jurisdiction must quickly have realized that the presence of the conformity-minded Frankish emperor augured coincidence if large numbers of Jews migrated the following year from Rome to the unknown land Calalus, as the Latin legend states on a snake-entwined ceremonial cross bearing also Hebrew words, found at a depth of six feet, about twenty feet west northwest of the Benjamin inscription cross. The sub rosa assistance of the pope in that interim before Charlemagne’s tentacles could tighten that far from Aachen, would go far to explain the ability of hundreds or even thousands of ghetto-dwellers to arrange shipping, supplies and a silent departure. This would also go far to explain a Jewish group’s continued honoring of Christian patriarchal symbols (talking about the crosses)—in this case symbolizing the approved civil sovereignty of the pope.” p. 33, 34 What Covey may not have realized is that the Frank or French government is what the harlot church calls her “elder brother” (called in Scripture, “the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit” Rev. 11:7). France, her elder brother put the Catholic church in power in 538 A.D. and took her out of power in 1798! Her elder brother also came to her aid during the Civil War. Rome openly supported the South, and French troops were sent into Mexico during that time, who were intending to help out the South. Little does the public know that the shores of America have long been a refuge for Sabbath keepers for centuries from the oppression of Sunday legislation of the papal beast. It appears that these Jews took the same route as did the Samaritians almost 900 years before them, which landed near Los Lunas, New Mexico and left the Ten Commandment inscription behind on Mystery Mountain, which route would be the Rio Grande River which runs through Los Lunas, which was their water source. But these Jews from Rome did not go as far north as the Samaritians, but apparently headed west around Truth or Consequences, New Mexico to hit the Gila River, which headed west and came in contact with the Santa Cruz River just west of Phoenix, which headed south to Tucson. One artifact tells that: “Toltezus Silvanus ruled far and wide over a people. Theodorus conveyed his troops to the foot of the city of Rhoda; and more than seven hundred were captured. No gold is taken away. Theodorus—a man of great courage; he rules for fourteen years. Jacob for six. With the help of God, nothing has to be feared.” From this “Toltezus” name it is speculated of a Toltec chief. The Toltecs ruled Mexico during that same time period. Another inscription translates “A.D. 880: Israel III, for liberating the Toltezus, was banished.” The wordage seems to identify the Toltezus with the Toltecs. The Toltec buildings included large pyramids topped with temples and images of Quetzalcoatl (which means feathered serpent). Quetzal was one of the most beautiful of birds that inhabited the mountains of Central America. The plumes of the tail are golden green and before the Spanish conquest could be worn only by chiefs. This Toltec ruler Quetzalcoatle was probably nicknamed the feathered serpent like Ken Stabler who quarter-backed the Oakland Raiders and later the Houston Oilers was also called the snake. Another inscription tells of the war: “A.D. 895. An unknown land. Would that I might accomplish my task to serve the king (Israel IV)! It is uncertain how long life will continue. There are many things which can be said while war wages. Three thousand were killed. The leader, with his principle men, are captured. Nothing but peace was sought. God (Deus) ordains all things. O.L.” By A.D. 900 Silence! From the evidence it appears that this colony suffered tragic loss. The 6 crosses with double faces, the labarum, two nehushtans, six swords and eight spears were dropped in a heap and covered up. I’m guessing the caliche hardened around them. Or, all the debris was pushed into a heap and covered. You wander if things were burned? Or, they were taken captive as the one artifact related. If only these Jews could have realized who the Nehushtan on their crosses really represented, perhaps history would have been written a little different. But their rejection of “the King of the Jews” Mt. 2:2; 27:37, could bring them no protection, they perished. “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:14, 15