Items to Order from

Warpath Ministries


Click here for newest T-Shirt logo


                  TEN COMMANDMENT T-Shirts                     

     From the inscription at Hidden Mountain near Los Lunas,

New Mexico in Paleo-Hebrew/Phoenician style letters.

Colors: Red, Purple

Size Small, Medium, Large

Ten Commandments


Hats with The Tetragrammaton

You can also order

the hats to go with

the shirts,

with (YA  HU  WA)

in Cherokee

and YHWH

from Los Lunas


$10.00 each.


New Cap Design $8 each

Maroon w/gold writing: Newark Holy Stone discovered in 1860 with Hebrew

White w/Red letters: Bat Creak Stone discovered in London TN Ancient Hebrew writing

Both with unique Indian design on bill of cap in mixed colors of light blue, red, gold, & tan


Another T-Shirt Logo:




   The T-shirts are 100 per cent cotton.  They come in red with white letters and purple with yellow gold letters, made to identify with Ancient Americans, Indians and Vikings.

   They come in Small, Medium and Large

   A great tool for witnessing to American Indians and folks interested in America's pre-Columbian history.

T-Shirts are $10.00 each, make check or money order out to Brian Allen at:    Warpath Ministry

 P.O. Box 234

  McEwen, TN 37101





    Testimony from the American Indians, by B. Allen $4.00

The American Indian/Israelite connections. It dwells mostly on the various forms of the Sacred Name

History of the American Indians

    You can now order James Adair's book History of the American Indians through this ministry, it has been reprinted and re-title Out of the Flame  CHEROKEE  Beliefs and Practices of the Ancient $27.00 soft cover



Shipping included.